Cabana Online Booking Tool

You can check realtime availability information and make confirmed restaurant reservations online with Onionring. Its fast, secure and free to use so why wait? Book your table at Cabana now!

About Cabana

Every time we visit Brasil, we discover another reason to love it.

There are three things that we think make it truly special: Firstly, the food: it's always communal; especially when friends gather around the oversized barbecues found on every corner.

Then, there's the wonderful eccentricity of the cities: an endless urban collage, haphazardly thrown together to create the most humble, but uplifting environments.

Finally, there's the unmistakably Brasilian outlook: 'tudo bem', meaning 'everything's good', is a spirit that's in everyone's heart, whatever cards you've been dealt.

Cabana is our homage to all of these things; our attempt to share a bit of the real Brasil.